Saturday, January 28, 2012

Assignment #1: Immigrant, Emigrant, Migrant: Vocabulary of Human Migration

We hear many of the following terms all the time, but what do they really mean?   In order to understand the “whats” and “whys” of United States immigration history, it is important to have a common language.  Using a dictionary and internet resources, define the following terms.  Don’t just copy (cut and paste) answers from your sources!  Read and then complete your answers using language and terms that you understand.  Type your work and include a list of the sources you used for your research (ex. Webster’s Dictionary, WIKIPEDIA, etc).  

1.     Ancestry
2.     Assimilation
3.     Brain drain
4.     Chain migration
5.     Citizen
6.     Culture
7.     Emigration
8.     Ethnicity
9.     Ethnocentric
10.  Expatriate
11.  Green Card
12.  Immigration
13.  Migration
14.  Nationality
15.  Naturalization
16.  Political Asylum
17.  Refugee
18.  Resident Alien
19.  Visa
20.  Xenophobia

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